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Doepfer A-138n Narrow Mixer
Mixer module
De A-138n van Doepfer is een 4TE smalle mixer module, die zowel geschikt is voor audiosignalen als stuurspanningen. Elke input heeft zijn eigen demper. De output van de mixer is verdubbeld en fungeert daarom als een mini-multiple.
Something you can't do without in your eurorack case is a few of these mixers. They're cheap, excellent build quality like all Doepfer modules and they take up very little space. What more do you need? The extra output is also very handy to have. A no brainer for this price.
Like most Doepfer modules, the value is excellent. It doe just what it says on the tin: mixing audio signals, without adding noise or other artifacts. Build quality is solid enough - again, you get what you pay for.
This mixer does its job pretty well, it sounds clean and doesn't take too much HP. The only thing one has to take into account is the very close positioning of the knobs that doesn't allow for quick access during performance, maybe putting knobs 1 and 3 on the left and 2 and 4 on the right could have improved the design a bit. Still, very good product.
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