I bought this cable as a backup set for common microphone cable that I use for cabling DMX - which works very fine btw - and to make sure the the connection between the console and the light equipment works for 100%. I was a bit disappointed that the cable was very lightweight and by touching it it feels like plastic. I have no idea what the outer material is, but it doesnt have the same impression as a common microphone cable. This been said, Ihave to take the price into account and then I must admit that price/quality is OK. I only used the cable twice, so I cannot judge the endurance of the product. The connectors are not Neutrik but the day these fail can easily replaced by a higher standard. My mean concern is the cable itself. Conclusion: you get what you pay for. Be aware of that! To me: this was a fare deal.
Heb twee van die kabels in pakket bijgekregen. Ze doen wat ze moeten doen dus ik kan niet direct iets negatiefs over zeggen, de xlrs zijn geen neutrik maar zien er wel stevig uit. Al meerdere malen geplugd en geen problemen gehad " tot nu toe " :)
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