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TC ELECTRONIC Vervorming van het oogmetaal
Item in good used condition, packaging used
Pedaal vervormingseffect voor elektrische gitaar
De TC Electronic Eyemaster Metal Distortion is een brutale metal vervorming voor elektrische gitaar, wiens brute geluid neemt geen gevangenen. De lineaire regelaars voor versterking en volume regelen de intensiteit van de vervorming, terwijl het genadeloos afgestelde geluid perfect is voor de meest brute Death Metal riffs en schreeuwende solo's. Dankzij True Bypass wordt het gitaarsignaal niet vervormd wanneer het effect wordt uitgeschakeld.
De TC Electronic Eyemaster Metal Distortion levert brute geluiden voor hard death metal.
De TC Electronic Eyemaster Metal Distortion in een oogopslag:
It's as simple as pedals can get. just a distortion and volume control. It also only does one kind of sound, but it does it well enough considering the price. If you like that type of sound, great, if not then this pedal is not for you. It's rather simple.
IMHO it could do with some extra gain and a little smaller footprint. For a pedal called clearly aimed at the heavier genres it's a bit too prudent.
We all know the cult status of the Boss HM-2 pedal, used for terrible war crimes in the 90's. Known to be used by bands like Entombed and Bloodbath, the HM-2 was dimed in front of an already overdriven amp. That sound is the sound we've had a love/hate relationship with. Since then the Boss HM-2 has risen in price and is currently a very expensive way to achieve such sounds. Enter the Eyemaster, which sounds almost exactly like a dimed HM-2. For 1/5th of the price no less. The sound is untweakable, it's always dimed, and you can only control Gain and Volume. If you're into the old school death metal sound, this is a great reproduction. If you want more options, for example to sound like the other users of the HM-2 (Eric Clapton for example), then this is not your pedal.
This is the ultimate Stockholm Chaisaw in a box. Less is more, simple, but far from subtle, this pedal turns your guitar (or bass) into a relentless Swedish Buzzsaw.
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