Kenton Pro CV naar MIDI is een CV-MIDI interface die stuurspanningen omzet in MIDI signalen, bijvoorbeeld om enveloppen of LFO's van een analoog modulair systeem te gebruiken voor het aansturen van insteekinstrumenten. De interface kan drie weegschalen aan en herkent poort- en S-triggersignalen.
De Kenton Pro CV naar MIDI interface kan 1V/octaaf, Hz/V of 1.2V/octaaf schalen.
This surprisingly lightweight solid metal box packs a huge amount of functions into a very small space.
I use it mainly to synchronise the MIDI clock of drum machines and samplers with the analog clock signal output by a Serge modular system but this converter is also stable and accurate when converting pitch.
For pitch it uses a high‑spec 16‑bit A‑D converter on the main CV input and can also handle negative voltages for 1V/oct, Hz/V or the 1.2V/oct standard used in Buchla systems.
The two auxiliary inputs can be translated into multiple types of MIDI data streams like aftertouch, clock, velocity, pitch bend or CC.
The converter is quick and easy to set up using the menu printed on the front but the short manual is well written should you need it.
If you're looking at this type of product then you already know why you need one. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Kenton Pro CV to MIDI solution to anyone looking for a unit which does exactly what is says on the tin and does it very well!
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