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Agulha para Gira-Discos DJ

50 artigos

DJ replacement styli are essential because turntable needles wear out over time due to continuous contact with vinyl records, eventually losing their optimal performance.

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Encomendado, Data de envio: 31/mar/2025
39,30 €
Disponibilidade imediata
49,00 €
Disponibilidade imediata
49,00 €
Disponibilidade imediata
50,60 €
Disponibilidade imediata
58,00 €

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Why Do I Need DJ Replacement Styli?

DJ replacement styli are essential because turntable needles wear out over time due to continuous contact with vinyl records, eventually losing their optimal performance. When a stylus becomes dull or damaged, it affects sound quality and can even harm your vinyl collection. Professional DJs always keep spare styli on hand to quickly swap them out if needed. For scratching and performance mixing, a sharp, high-quality stylus is crucial for precise control. Having replacement styli ensures that your setup delivers the best possible sound and performance, without unwanted interruptions or damage to your records. In short: DJ replacement styli maintain the quality of your DJ sets and protect your vinyl records.