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Tutorial Experts Akai MPC - Videotraining License Code

Artigo: PCM0018188-000
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Tutoriais em vídeo para Akai MPC com mais de 14 horas de material didático e ficheiros de projeto descarregáveis para aprendiza...  Todas as informações do produto
Tutorial Experts

46,40 €
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  • 3 ANOS
  • 55.000 PRODUTOS

Tutorial Experts Akai MPC - Videotraining License Code

Akai MPC video training

  • Comprehensive video training for Akai MPC Live, One and X
  • suitable for beginners and advanced users
  • 14.5 hours of video material
  • Step-by-step explanations on how to use the MPC hardware
  • practice-oriented lessons on sampling, sequencing and beatmaking
  • includes explanations of important workflow optimizations
  • Downloadable project files for hands-on learning
  • including advanced techniques for sound design and performance
  • Playable on PC, Mac, iPad and Android devices

Note: This product is delivered as a license code . No box, no data carrier or similar. Please inform yourself about compatibility with your system, registration, download etc. on the manufacturer's website BEFORE purchasing. Registered software cannot be exchanged.

Practical training for MPC hardware

The video training for Akai MPC Live, One and X offers over 14 hours of comprehensive learning material that is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. It explains the most important functions of the MPC hardware step by step and covers topics such as sampling, sequencing and beatmaking. In addition, advanced techniques for sound design and performance are taught. The training is hands-on and includes downloadable project files to test and try out.

System requirements:

  • Windows PC from 1.6 GHz, min. 512 MB memory
  • Mac from or 10.6.x, min. 512 MB memory
  • 1920 x 1080 screen resolution
  • Sound card


  • Fabricante: Tutorial Experts
Tutorial Experts Akai MPC - Videotraining License Code Imagem do produtoTutorial Experts Akai MPC - Videotraining License Code
46,40 €

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