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De Haske Hören, lesen, spielen, Band 1 Tuba

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Learn to play the tuba, school for beginners, textbook, with download, ISBN: 9789043161985.  Вся информация о товаре

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Информация о продукте De Haske Hören, Lesen & Spielen 1 Tuba

School for tuba

Listen, Read & Play is a proven textbook series for 15 different wind instruments. Volume 1 of the school for tuba is aimed at beginners and teaches the musical basics of tuba playing. It deals with note values up to eighth notes in a moderate range, some accidentals and transposition signs as well as the necessary auxiliary fingerings. This can be built upon in the further course of the lessons to make excellent musicians out of the pupils. A holistic knowledge of one's own musical instrument should also not be neglected. For this reason, the edition includes an extra page on which the history of the tuba is illustrated.

This tuba school corresponds to the concept of modern music education. A sustainably successful music education distances itself from dry teaching and keeps the attention of the students through the varied teaching method offered here. Learning content is better retained in memory by integrating games, puzzles, listening exercises, songs, and original compositions that are fun to play in this wind school. The included downloads are a helpful and motivating aid to practice.


  • Производитель: De Haske
  • Инструмент: Туба
  • Средний: Текстовая книга
  • Вокальный/Речевой: Немецкий
  • Сложность: Начинающий (1)
  • Аранжировка: Туба
  • CD: Нет
  • DVD: Нет
  • Загрузка: Да
  • Количесвто страниц: 60
  • Серия: Hören, lesen & spielen
  • Edition / Volume: 1
  • Автор: Jaap Kastelein
  • Издатель: Martin Baumgartner
  • Publishing Number: DHP 1074178-404
  • ISBN: 9789043161985
  • ISMN: 9790035247563
De Haske Hören, lesen, spielen, Band 1 Tuba Изображение товараDe Haske Hören, lesen, spielen, Band 1 Tuba
25,20 €
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25,20 €
20,50 €

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