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Fender '63 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature Fiesta Red

Товар: GIT0028506-000
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Custom Shop signature guitar with alder body, maple neck, Fat '50s single coils, synchronized tremolo and vintage style tuners  Вся информация о товаре

Варианты товара

Fender '68 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature Black

Fender '68 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature Black Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Fender
  • Серия: Custom Shop
  • Дизайн: Stratocaster
  • Корпус: Ольха
  • Гриф: Клен
  • ...
3.864,70 €

Fender '68 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature 3-Color Sunburst

Fender '68 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature 3-Color Sunburst Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Fender
  • Серия: Custom Shop
  • Дизайн: Stratocaster
  • Корпус: Ольха
  • Гриф: Клен
  • ...
4.116,80 €
4.452,90 €
excl. НДС, плюс Стоимость доставки
Товар скоро будет доступен.Предполагаемая дата поставки на склад: 13.10.2025

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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте FENDER Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst

Authentic replica of Michael Landau's 1963 vintage Strat, including case and certificate

The Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst is an authentic recreation of the original 1963 vintage Strat which the legendary session guitarist from Los Angeles used on countless well-known recordings. Following the historical guidelines, this electric guitar features a light alder body and a bolt-on maple neck with a "Round-Laminated" rosewood fretboard and a "Custom C" profile for easy handling. Three Fender Custom Shop Fat '50s single coils provide the guitar amp with expressive vintage sounds that blend in with almost any style of music. The traditional hardware configuration with a 6-saddle synchronized tremolo and precise vintage-style tuners completes the Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst.

FENDER Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst
The Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst is an authentic recreation of the original 63 vintage Strat of the LA session legend.
FENDER Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst Back
The light alder body is lacquered in an elaborate Color-over-Color nitrocellulose finish.

Selected woods in Color-over-Color finish

For the construction of the Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster, the Fender Custom Shop uses only carefully selected woods that guarantee a lively sound and low weight of the electric guitar. Accordingly, the body is made of light alder, while the bolt-on maple neck carries the historically correct "Round-Laminated" rosewood fretboard glued to the radius specified by the neck. Here the comfortable "Custom C" profile and the 7.25" vintage fretboard radius promise comfortable playing. Another absolute highlight is the artificially aged Color-over-Color finish, which is inspired by the often overpainted sunburst bodies of original vintage guitars.

FENDER Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst Body
Three Fender Custom Shop Fat '50s single coils promise authentic vintage sounds on your guitar amp.

Custom Shop Fat '50s pickups for versatile vintage sounds

The Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst features three Fat '50s single coils wound in the hallowed halls of the Fender Custom Shop. Equipped with Alnico V magnets and the historically correct Formvar wire, these pickups deliver powerful vintage sounds with fat basses, vocal midrange and the typical clarity in the trebles. The lively dynamic response of the single-coil pickups supports expressive electric guitar playing in a wide range of styles between pop, rock and blues. The pickups are controlled via a subtly modified 5-way circuit whose first tone control acts on the neck and middle pickups, while the second tone control determines the treble spectrum of the bridge pickup.

FENDER Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst Headstock
In addition to the master's printed signature, the headstock of the 1963 Fender Michael Landau Relic Strat carries six vintage-style tuners.

High quality hardware in vintage style

High-quality and reliable hardware in authentic vintage style completes the Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst. Of course the proven Fender Synchronized Tremolo with string saddles made of bent sheet steel serves as the bridge of this guitar. Thanks to its smooth handling, it enhances melodies and chords with shimmering vibratos. Behind the bone nut, the classic Fender headstock features six vintage-style tuners for precise and stable tuning of this electric guitar.

The Fender Michael Landau 1963 Relic Stratocaster Fiesta Red over 3-Color Sunburst at a glance:

  • Signature electric guitar from the Fender Custom Shop, made in the USA
  • Michael Landau (session and studio guitarist for Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Joe Cocker and others)
  • Relic nitrocellulose finish with artificial ageing
  • Color-over-Color finish
  • Light Alder body
  • Bolt-on maple neck
  • "Round-Laminated" rosewood fingerboard with dot inlays"Custom C" neck profile
  • Three Fender Custom Shop Fat '50s single coil pickups
  • Fender 6-saddle vintage synchronized tremolo
  • Fender vintage style tuners
  • Including Fender Custom Shop guitar case and certificate

Manufactured by:

  • Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (FMIC)
  • Fender
  • 311 Cessna Circle, CA 92878 Corona
  • USA
  • contactemea@fender.com
  • www.fender.com

Authorized Representative in Europe:

  • Fender (EDC) B.V.
  • Transpolispark, Siriusdreef 17-27, 2132 WT Hoofddorp
  • Netherlands
  • contactemea@fender.com
  • www.fender.com


  • Производитель: Fender
  • Серия: Custom Shop
  • Дизайн: Stratocaster
  • Корпус: Ольха
  • Гриф: Клен
  • Конструкция грифа: Bolt-on
  • Профиль грифа: Custom-'C'
  • Мензура в мм: 648
  • Накладка грифа: Палисандр
  • Радиус накладки грифа в дюймах: 7,25
  • Количество ладов: 21
  • Профиль ладов: Narrow Jumbo
  • Инкрустация накладки грифа: Dot
  • Тип верхнего порожка: Кость
  • Ширина верхнего порожка в мм: 41,9
  • Звукосниматель: SSS
  • Производитель звукоснимателей: Fender
  • Звукосниматель в позиции возле грифа: CS Fat '50s Single Coil
  • Звукосниматель в средней позиции: CS Fat '50s Single Coil
  • Звукосниматель в позиции возле бриджа: CS Fat '50s Single Coil
  • Пьезо-электрический звукосниматель: Нет
  • Активные звукосниматели: Нет
  • разделение катушек: Нет
  • Переключатель: 5-х позиционный
  • Регулятор: Vol, Tone, Tone
  • Бридж: Am. Vintage Synchronized Trem
  • Колки: Fender Vintage "F" Stamped
  • Пуговица для ремня: Стандартный
  • Фурнитура: Никель/хром
  • Калибр струн: .009 - .042
  • Заводская настройка: Standard E
  • Страна-производитель: США
  • Покрытие: Nitrocellulose, Aged
  • Цвет: Fiesta Red
  • Количество струн: 6
  • Кейс в комплекте: Да
  • Чехол в комплекте: Нет
  • Сертификат: Да
Fender '63 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature Fiesta Red Изображение товараFender '63 Strat Relic Michael Landau Signature Fiesta Red
4.452,90 €
4.184,00 €
3.024,40 €
3.990,80 €
2.772,30 €
1.889,90 €

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