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Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst

Товар: GIT0062237-000
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Цельная акустическая гитара дредноут с топом из ели, корпусом из красного дерева, звукоснимателем и кейсом.  Вся информация о товаре

Варианты товара

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Sunburst

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Sunburst Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Нет
  • Топ: Sitka Spruce
  • ...
3.173,90 €

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Sunburst Lefthand

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Sunburst Lefthand Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Нет
  • Топ: Ель
  • ...
3.528,60 €

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Rosewood Burst

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Rosewood Burst Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Нет
  • Топ: Sitka Spruce
  • ...
3.864,70 €

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Rosewood EC

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Rosewood EC Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Да
  • Топ: Sitka Spruce
  • ...
3.780,70 €

Gibson Hummingbird Standard EC Lefthand

Gibson Hummingbird Standard EC Lefthand Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Да
  • Топ: Sitka Spruce
  • ...
3.192,40 €
3.173,90 €
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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst

Dreadnought acoustic guitar with pickup and case

  • Electro-acoustic acoustic guitar in dreadnought format
  • Solid Sitka spruce top and solid mahogany body
  • Scalloped X-bracing
  • Mahogany neck with round neck profile
  • Rosewood fingerboard with MOP parallelogram inlays
  • Nut made from Graph Tech TUSQ with 43.8 mm width
  • Shortened 628 mm scale length
  • Rosewood bridge with compensated inlay made from Graph Tech TUSQ
  • Golden Grover Rotomatic tuners
  • L. R. Baggs VTC pickup
  • Double-ring rosette and multi-ply binding
  • Hummingbird pickguard
  • Vintage Cherry Sunburst Finish in high-gloss finish
  • Case included
  • Made in USA

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst at a glance

The Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst has been inspiring since the 1960s with its unique design and versatile sound characteristics. To this day, musicians are particularly fond of the short-scale square-shoulder westernAcoustic guitar:
The acoustic guitar is an acoustic guitar with steel strings. It is often used for folk
, as it is extremely comfortable to play and produces a warm, mid-range sound that is ideal for accompanying vocals. The name giver and most important accessory is the generous HummingbirdPickguard:
The pickguard is a plate made of plastic or wood that is attached to the front of a guitar. It protects the wood from scratches and serves as a base for striking the strings with a pick.
, which is decorated with a hummingbird and floral ornaments. The guitar is supplied with a sturdy caseGuitar case:

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst acoustic guitar front
The Gibson classic in Vintage Cherry Sunburst finish.
Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst body
The solid construction improves the vibration behavior.

Solid tonewoods

Thanks to its all-solid construction, the Hummingbird produces a very defined and balanced tone, which unfolds quickly and comprehensively thanks to a flat scalloped X-bracingCeiling bracing:
. The voluminous resonance body of the dreadnought ensures a tremendous assertiveness that effortlessly takes over any environment. Meanwhile, the sound character is shaped by exquisite tonewoodsTonewood:
Tonewood is the wood from which the body of a guitar is made. It influences the sound and resonance of the instrument. Popular tonewoods are mahogany or maple
in the form of a solid Sitka spruce topTop:
The top is the upper part of the guitar body
, which enjoys great popularity in guitar making due to its tonal brilliance and a distinctive overtone spectrum, and a solid mahogany bodyBody:
The body is the body of a guitar. It is made of wood and influences the sound and resonance of the instrument. The sound of a guitar can vary depending on the shape and material of the body.
, whose sound characteristics are popular due to its present mid-range and warm tone. This fulfills the perfect requirements for fingerpickingFingerpicking:
plucking technique
and strummingStrumming:
Strumming is a guitar playing technique in which you strike the strings with your fingers or a pick at regular intervals to create a rhythm. Different strumming techniques and patterns create the typical sound of the rhythm guitar.
, making the guitar a real all-rounder.

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Rosewood Burst neck
An easy-grip neck and the shortened scale length ensure comfortable playability.

Shortened scale length

While the acoustic sound character is a delight, guitarists will also be delighted with the high playability of this acoustic guitar. The mahogany neckGuitar neck:
Maple neck
with a round neck profileNeck profile:
The neck profile refers to the shape of the guitar neck. It can be flat
sits comfortably in the hand and, in combination with the haptically pleasant rosewood fingerboardFretboard:
The fretboard is the part of the guitar on which the strings are fretted to produce different tones. It is made of wood and has metal frets that mark the different pitches.
for fast tone sequences and chord changes. The shortened 628 mmScale length:
The scale length refers to the length of the vibrating string of a guitar. It determines the distance between the nut and the bridge and influences the sound and playability of the instrument.
scale length
also stands out, which greatly reduces the amount of force required when fingering and thus reduces the strain on the fingers and hand muscles. This allows complex fingering patterns to be mastered with ease. The hardwareHardware:
chrome hardware
also leaves nothing to be desired. The chrome-plated Grover RotomaticTuners:
die-cast tuners
guarantee high tuning stability and are perfectly matched to the compensated bridge inlaySaddle:
The saddle is a small piece of material that is placed in the bridge of a guitar. It helps to keep the strings at the right height above the fretboard and ensures a clear sound and good playability of the guitar.
made of Graph Tech TUSQ
, resulting in absolutely clean intonationIntonation:
Intonation refers to the correct tuning of the individual strings of a guitar. Adjusting the scale length ensures that all notes played on a string sound at the correct pitch.

GibsonHummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst pickup
The L. R. Baggs sits discreetly in the sound hole.

L. R. Baggs VTC

For a flawless stage performance, the Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst is equipped with the high-quality L. R. Baggs VTC pickupPickup:
A pickup is an electronic component that converts the vibrations of the guitar strings into electrical signals. These signals are then amplified and played back via loudspeakers to make the sound of the guitar audible.
. This professional system captures every nuance of the sound and every note of your playing and passes it on to the amplifier unaltered. This guarantees an output of the guitar's original sound and makes every performance an absolute hit. In addition, the VTC has a preamp with volumeVolume:
The volume control is a knob on the guitar that can be used to adjust the volume of the instrument. If you turn the knob to the right
and tone controlsTone control:
The tone control is a knob on the guitar that influences the sound. When you turn it
that make it easy to adjust the characteristics to the ambient conditions and personal preferences. It sits discreetly in the sound holeSound hole:
The sound hole is an opening on the front of a guitar. It allows the sound produced by the strings to reach the outside and amplify the sound of the guitar.
, which does not interrupt the harmonious design of the guitar.

Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst top
The fingerboard is also visually enhanced by iridescent inlays.

Classic Hummingbird design

The acoustic guitar is rounded off by its artistic design, which also makes it a visual highlight. The exciting color gradient of the vintage cherry sunburst finishFinish:
The term "finish" refers to the outer coating or surface treatment of a guitar. It can be different types of varnish, stain or oil that are applied to the wood to protect it and give it an attractive appearance.
with its very own charm gives it an artistic depth, while the beautiful MOP parallelogram inlaysInlays:
enhance the fretboard and luxuriously shimmering decorative elements and also serve to orient the player. Another eye-catching feature is undoubtedly the classic Hummingbird pickguard, which presents the filigree hummingbird and flower ornaments on a tortoise background and once again demonstrates the professional craftsmanship and attention to detail of the renowned manufacturer.


  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Modern Acoustic
  • Дизайн: Dreadnought
  • Вырез: Нет
  • Топ: Sitka Spruce
  • Верхняя дека из массива: Да
  • Покрытие передней деки: Нитроцеллюлоза
  • Bracing: Scalloped X
  • Задняя дека и обечайки: Красное дерево
  • Задняя дека и обечайки из массива: Да
  • Покрытие задней деки и обечаек: Нитроцеллюлоза
  • Окантовка: Многослойный
  • Гриф: Красное дерево
  • Профиль грифа: Round
  • Накладка грифа: Палисандр
  • Inlays: MOP Parallelogram
  • Количество ладов: 20
  • Тип верхнего порожка: Graph Tech TUSQ
  • Ширина верхнего порожка в мм: 43,8
  • Мензура в мм: 628
  • Бридж: Rosewood
  • Bridge Inlay: Graph Tech TUSQ, compensated
  • Колки: Grover Rotomatic
  • Фурнитура: Никель
  • Количество струн: 6
  • Производитель звукоснимателей: L.R. Baggs
  • Конфигурация звукоснимателей: VTC
  • Тюнер: Нет
  • Rosette: Double Ring
  • Пикгард: Hummingbird
  • Бобышки бриджа: Graph Tech TUSQ
  • Цвет: Vintage Cherry Sunburst
  • Страна-производитель: США
  • Кейс в комплекте: Да
  • Чехол в комплекте: Нет
  • Сертификат: Да
Gibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst Изображение товараGibson Hummingbird Standard Vintage Cherry Sunburst
3.173,90 €
6.721,80 €
2.772,30 €
2.520,20 €
3.441,20 €
2.426,90 €

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