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The 1U Duatt from Intellijel is a two-channel mixer, attenuator and attenuator for audio and CV signals. Since the two inputs are normalized to each other, the module is perfectly suited as a mixer, for this purpose each input can be levelled normally or mixed inverted. The Duatt also functions as a dual attenuator/attenuator; i.e. an attenuator or polarizer. Which function is executed is determined by the toggle switch "Uni _ -/+". The third main function is that each channel can act as a manual CV source. The toggle switch determines whether you generate values from 0-5 volts or -5 to +5 volts. This handy feature is useful when you want to move multiple parameters at once in conjunction with a multiple. Activating the middle toggle switch doubles the voltage or level of channel A to be output. Very useful if you want to "translate" for modules that expect 10V control voltage.
after using this one I'm now thinking about replacing all my Quadratts with these! The reason is that Duatts have x2 feachure that could be used as an amp for both CV and audio rate signals, and for me this is a huge plus! I have always suffered from the lack of signal amplifier until now! And again, it doesn't occupy my precious 3U space!