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Meinl Split Tone Practice Pad Anika Nilles

Товар: DRU0039966-000
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12" Anika Nilles Practice Pad from Meinl with three different surfaces. Meinl, Split Tone, Practice Pad  Вся информация о товаре

61,30 €
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Информация о продукте Meinl Split Tone Practice Pad Anika Nilles

Anika Nilles Signature Pad with different playing zones

The Meinl Split Tone Practice Pad Anika Nilles has a diameter of 12" and has three different surfaces. With the Meinl Split Tone Pad it is possible to creatively implement a systematic approach and improve accuracy in combination with power and dynamics. Another special feature of the Anika Nilles Pad is the possibility to train your hearing and understanding of special rhythms, this works through the different playing zones. The middle zone offers familiar rebound, the red zones have a higher sound. If these are played with the right or left hand only, this divides the exercises into two sounds, which gives you a new perception of already known stickings. The oval zone has a soft playing feel. The back of the Meinl Split Tone Practice Pad has no rebound, so endurance and speed can be trained

Meinl Split Tone Practice Pad:

  • Anika Nilles Signature Pad
  • Size 12“
  • Three playing surfaces
  • Back without rebound



  • Производитель: Meinl
  • Материал: Пластик
  • Размер (диаметр) в дюймах: 12
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