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PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro Mac Deutsch Lizenz-Code

Товар: PCM0016686-000
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PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro Mac Deutsch Lizenz-Code Изображение товара
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Информация о продукте PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2020 MAC Deutsch Lizenz-Code

Rhythm section, choir & soloists for the DAW

The PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2020 German license code version lives up to its name: The software (Mac) creates a finished song in the desired genre and with selectable instrumentation from a chord sequence entered by the user. Among them are bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, strings and brass. The genres cover the entire spectrum of contemporary music from gospel to jazz, from blues and folk to metal and singer-songwriter.

The tracks required for the arrangement are available in WAV and some even in MIDI format, were recorded by over 100 different renowned musicians (including Snarky Puppy and Weather Report) and are transposed by software to the user's needs and to the respective key. In addition, some solo tracks were recorded in multiple takes, from which can be selected when importing into the DAW.

Not only for new ideas, but also as a source of inspiration and especially for backing tracks, PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2020 can become your new tool of choice!

PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro 2020 German License Code Overview:

  • German PC version
  • for Mac users only
  • powerful arranger plug-in
  • creates a song in the selected genre from an entered chord progression
  • own sequencer view for chord editing and fill markers
  • supports up to 21 tracks
  • a total of 242 new RealTracks in various styles, recorded by over 100 professional studio musicians
  • a total of 301 notated drum grooves
  • 30 pure MIDI styles for all genres
  • 15 MIDI SuperTracks for Gospel, Blues, Country and Pop
  • 170 instrumental studies for easy learning and transposing of licks and melodies
  • extensively revised, clearly arranged library with search function
  • exports tracks to DAW in WAVE or MIDI format
  • MultiRiff mode with multiple takes of the same track
  • system requirements: Win7/10 32/64bit 1GB RAM (>2GB recommended); VST-enabled DAW, standalone capable; min. 2GB free hard drive space.


  • Производитель: PGMusic
  • Software type: Sequenzer
  • Платформа: Mac
  • Boxed: No
PG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro Mac Deutsch Lizenz-Code Изображение товараPG Music Band-in-a-Box Pro Mac Deutsch Lizenz-Code
192,40 €
121,80 €
131,09 €
150,40 €

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Синтезаторы: видео

Пианино: видео

Клавишные: видео