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Electric guitar with cloud maple top and PRS 85/15 pickups with extensive circuit options, case included
With the Wood Library PRS Custom 24 -08 Charcoal Cherry Burst , Paul Reed Smith once again proves that he understands the impressive presentation of the finest woods. The electric guitar, for example, has a unique wölchen maple top from the Paul Reed Smith Wood Library, whose breathtaking grain is accentuated by the eye-catching finish. Also intensively grained is the curly maple neck, which carries an ebony fingerboard and is glued to the marsh ash body. In addition, the amplifier is equipped with two PRS 408 humbuckers and a sophisticated PRS 408 circuit for a wide range of sounds.
The PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 combines noble woods, a flawless workmanship to an outstanding electric guitar with versatile sounds.
The body of the PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 consists of light swamp ash.
Woods from the Wood Library
For the construction of the PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08, Paul Reed Smith used exquisite materials from his wood library, which through flawless workmanship become a unique electric guitar. The body is made of light swamp ash, while the impressive grain of the Wölkchen maple top is perfectly accentuated by the Charcoal Cherry Burst finish. Also intensively grained is the glued maple neck, which has a fingerboard made of noble ebony. This combination gives the electric guitar a lively, brilliant primary tone.
The neck with " Pattern Thin " profile has a slim "C" shape with 19.8 mm thickness at the first collar and 42.9 mm saddle width.
Pattern Thin "-Profile for perfect playing comfort
PRS Guitars also attaches great importance to perfect playing comfort when building the PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08. Accordingly, the neck has the comfortable " Pattern Thin " profile, which corresponds to a modern "C" shape with a thickness of just 19.8 mm under the first collar and nestles into the hand with its perfect curves. With a saddle width of 42.9 mm, the fingerboard also offers sufficient space for a clean fingering, with the familiar Bird inlays PRS providing the best orientation between the 24 frets.
The neck of the PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 is made of curly maple and has an impressive, even grain.
PRS Custom 24 -08: Versatile sound with 408 circuitry
On the amplifier, the Paul Reed Smith Wood Library Custom 24 -08 convinces with its versatile sound, which delivers the right tones for every musical style. The electric sound conversion is performed by two PRS 85/15 Humbucker in the neck and bridge position. Developed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Stevensville-based company, both pickups offer a particularly clear sound with extended bass and treble, providing the perfect basis for classic and modern playing styles. There is also a Mini switch at everyone Humbucker 's side that can be used to Single Coil split the volume without any fluctuations in volume. A 3-way blade switch and Master Volume and Master Tone controls are also available.
This PRS Tremolo has the noble Nickel/Gold Hybrid finish and convinces with its comfortable handling.
PRS Hardware in a noble Hybrid look
High-quality Hardware equipment with a Hybrid f Nickel inish Gold that blends harmoniously into the noble design completes the equipment of the PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 Charcoal Cherry Burst . On the corpus, the tried and tested PRS Tremolo System which convinces with its smooth handling and allows the decoration of melodies and chords with gently shimmering modulations. With its smooth surface, it also offers the striking hand a comfortable contact surface for certain playing techniques. With the classic PRS scale of exactly 25" (635 mm), the strings run from the bridge towards the headstock, where they are pulled straight to the PRS Phase III Locking machine heads. Due to their semi-open cases and low weight, they are able to counteract top-heaviness and at the same time convince with absolute tuning precision and easy string changes.
The PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 Charcoal Cherry Burst at a glance:
Electric guitar, handmade in Stevensville, Maryland
Serial number 16 233593
Swamp ash body
Wood Library Cloud Maple Blanket
Glued maple neck with " Pattern Thin "-profile
Ebony fingerboard with 24 frets PRS Bird inlays
PRS 85/15 bass and 85/15 treble Humbucker with 408 switching
Nickel/Gold Hybrid Hardware
PRS Tremolo PRS Phase III Locking mechanics
Leather PRS case included
The PRS Wood Library Custom 24 -08 is delivered in a leather PRS case.
Core Models
Custom 24
Болотный ясень
Лоскутный клен
Красное дерево
Конструкция грифа:
Профиль грифа:
Pattern Thin
Толщина у 1го лада:
Накладка грифа:
Черное дерево
Мензура в мм:
Радиус накладки грифа в дюймах:
Количество ладов:
Инкрустация накладки грифа:
Тип верхнего порожка:
Ширина верхнего порожка в мм:
Ширина у последнего лада:
Производитель звукоснимателей:
Звукосниматель в позиции возле грифа:
85/15 Humbucker
Звукосниматель в позиции возле бриджа:
85/15 Humbucker
Пьезо-электрический звукосниматель:
Активные звукосниматели:
разделение катушек:
3-х позиционный, 2x Coil Tap Mini Switch