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4ms Ensemble Oscillator Black

Товар: SYN0007370-001
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4ms Ensemble Oscillator Black Изображение товара
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The Ensemble Oscillator Black is a 16-voice digital tone generator that ingeniously combines additive synthesis, FM and phase m...  Вся информация о товаре

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4ms Ensemble Oscillator

4ms Ensemble Oscillator Изображение товара
  • Производитель: 4ms
  • TE / HP: 16,0
  • Глубина (мм): 25,0
  • + 12 V (mA): 114,0
  • - 12 V (mA): 45,0
275,60 €
прибл. 32.300,60 руб.
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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте 4ms Ensemble Oscillator Black

Digital oscillator

The 4ms Ensemble Oscillator black is a digital polyphonic oscillator that cleverly combines additive synthesis, FM and phase modulation and waveshaping. At the heart of it all are 16 sinewave-based oscillators that are tuned and detuned at interval intervals. 30 programmable tone scales give the oscillators the direction in which the individual frequencies are shifted; programming is done via control voltages. Three modes each for twist phase (phase modulation), warp (waveshaping) and cross FM expand the sonic possibilities in an amazing way. Additionally there is a special panning mode that distributes the oscillators left and right (Out A & B) in the panorama. Another highlight are the two quantized and non-quantized pitch inputs, so you have the choice if you want to play sounds with a concrete note reference or if you want to create the generated sounds in an "experimental context".

4ms Ensemble Oscillator black:

  • Eurorack module
  • Digital Oscillator
  • 16 voices polyphonic
  • 16 interval bound sine oscillators
  • 30 programmable scales
  • Additive FM
  • Phase modulation
  • Waveshaping
  • Quantized and non-quantized pitch inputs
  • 16 TE width / 25 mm depth
  • +12 V: 114 mA / -12V: 45 mA

Ensemble Oscillator Teaser

NAMM 2020: 4ms Ensemble Oscillator - Sixteen Complex Oscillators!!!


  • Производитель: 4ms
  • TE / HP: 16
  • Глубина (мм): 25
  • + 12 V (mA): 114
  • - 12 V (mA): 45
4ms Ensemble Oscillator Black Изображение товара4ms Ensemble Oscillator Black
385,70 €
352,10 €
402,50 €
317,60 €
184,00 €

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