The AKAI Professional MPC One Retro Edition is a professional standalone sampling workstation with a 7 inch full color multi touch display and runs without a computer connection. It has the familiar workflow of the MPC series and its functions and features are emphatically results-oriented. With its trend-setting performance possibilities together with the seamlessly integrated MPC software, it becomes the central tool on stage and in the studio.
From the heart of the Akai MPC One beams a 7-inch full-color, multi-touch display. Editing MIDI events, adding effects, editing step sequences, arranging, sampling and much more can be done intuitively.
The velocity sensitive pads are used to play notes into the MPC One's sequencer and trigger the sounds. For an even better overview, the pads are backlit in RGB colors.
Eight freely configurable CV/Gate outputs allow the connection between the AKAI Professional MPC One and a modular system. Other synthesizers that have CV/Gate inputs can also be controlled by the MPC One in this way.
The MPC offers an internal memory capacity of 2GB; 2GB of sample content is already included! The size of the RAM is 2GB . Additional samples can be stored on an SD card. (Medium not included in delivery). Further interfaces are two USB 2.0 slots for external hard drives or the connection with MIDI controllers.
The Akai MPC One includes the four powerful plug-in synthesizers TUBESYNTH, BASSLINE, ELECTRIC and DRUMSYNTH, which can be used as fully-fledged instruments without the need for a computer connection:
Tubesynth: emulates the sound of classic analog polysynths combined with 5 built-in AIR effects. The synthesizer includes all important parameters in great detail in a special graphical user interface on the touch displays of the MPC Live and MPC X. Tube Synth was developed by AIR Music Tech and is based on the same analogue modeling technology already found in the well-known plug-in synthesizer
Bassline: emulates the sound of classic vintage mono synthesizers. Also includes 4 AIR effects and 2 distortion algorithms.
Electric: emulates the sound of classic electric pianos.
Drum Synth: 8 synthesis models for your own drum sounds.
With the MPC update 2.9 a new killer feature has been added! With DRUMSYNTH you can create your own drum sounds in eight individual engines (kick, snare, clap, percussion, tom, crash, hi-hat and ride) using FM synthesis, analog & physical modeling as well as sample-based algorithms to your heart's content and enhance them with effects like transient shaper, EQ or delay. In Multi mode, you can access all eight engines at once, ideal for expressive performances! Custom sounds can be saved as user presets.
Akai Professional never tires of improving their MPC series and adding new features. The latest updates include a number of mixing and mastering effects from AIR Music Technology. The integration with Ableton Live and the sample supplier Splice has been implemented and expanded. In addition, the sequencer area has been upgraded with grid and step automation.
With the update 2.8 the MPC X, One & Live becomes the central MIDI sequencer in the studio! With the enhanced routing capabilities, different hardware inputs and outputs are connected to each other and merge into one big, complex instrument. With multitrack recording, everything in the MPC now merges into the primary production and studio tool. In addition, the new OS includes Timing Correct, self-selected note assignment for different program types, Retrospective Record (recording MIDI notes and data in the background), Q-Link Overlay (better visual feedback of the knob in the display) and workflow improvements.
The MPC One Retro Edition comes in a timeless 80s grey/beige computer look. The equipment and technical data are identical to the standard version.
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