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The Beetronics Overhive is a Overdrive effect pedal - for - Low to Medium - Gain sounds, which promises particularly versatile and dynamic sound images with variable sound options. Here, the Honey control determines the Gain circuit's level, while the tone and volume potentiometers determine the treble content and output volume as usual. It Beetronics Overhive also features the Hive switch, which controls tightness and assertiveness in the sound, while the Body -switch boosts the low frequencies when needed.
That Beetronics Overhive at a glance:
Overdrive - Effektpedal for electric guitar, made in the USA
Analog circuit Low - to Medium - Gain sounds
Honey -controller determines Gain the Overdrive
Tone control determines treble content
Vol -The volume control determines the output volume of the pedal.