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Bjooks Patch & Tweak with Moog

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Synthesizer, Moog Music, reference book, history, products, tips, tutorials, ISBN: 9788799999538.  Вся информация о товаре

42,10 € прибл. 4.934,16 руб.
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  • 3 ГОДА
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Информация о продукте Bjooks Patch & Tweak with Moog

All about Moog and his synthesizers

Moog Music is a well-known and extremely popular manufacturer of electronic instruments, mainly analog synthesizers. With the help of Moog synthesizers succeeded in completely electronic production of music and revolutionize the interpretation of many directions and pieces, such as Bach.

What is Patch & Tweak with Moog about?

Moog fans and those interested in Moog are well advised to read Patch & Tweak with Moog. The reference book provides you with everything worth knowing from the past to the present and much more. Topics include the history of the company, its products and its founder, and the synths with their rich, fat analog sound. Patch tips, tutorials and facts about Moog instruments offer the perfect opportunity to expand your own knowledge while building on your existing skills. Numerous Moog-enthusiastic artists and designers share their wealth of experience in the form of interviews, providing a glimpse behind the scenes.

The work in its entirety

The edition is furthermore made with attention to detail. Numerous pictures round off the work and bundle it with its comprehensive information to form the ideal overall package: absolutely convincing in terms of content and appearance.

Printed on certified environmentally friendly paper!

Patch & Tweak with Moog shines with

  • Info, patches, tips on the Mother-32, DFAM, Subharmonicon, Grandmother and Matriarch
  • Over 30 exclusive interviews with artists, designers and Moog employees
  • Dozens of sample patches with hundreds of programming tips
  • Biography of Bob Moog
  • Moog product timeline
  • Foreword by award-winning soundtrack composer Hans Zimmer


  • Производитель: Bjooks
  • Средний: Текстовая книга
  • Вокальный/Речевой: Английский
  • CD: Нет
  • DVD: Нет
  • Загрузка: Нет
  • Количесвто страниц: 198
  • Автор: Kim Børn
  • Качества 1: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 978-87-999995-3-8
Bjooks Patch & Tweak with Moog Изображение товараBjooks Patch & Tweak with Moog
42,10 €
70,10 €
37,30 €
42,10 €
39,30 €
36,40 €

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