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Division 6 Mini Sequesizer

Товар: SYN0008151-000
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The Division 6 Mini Synthesizer including some CV inputs and 8-bit retro sound and the Mini Sequencer in a Eurorack module.  Вся информация о товаре

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  • Онлайн
  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте Division 6 Mini Sequesizer

Synthvoice with sequencer

  • 8-bit synthesizer
  • Oscillator with 4 waveforms
  • Glide
  • 2 LFOs with 5 waveforms each
  • Lowpass filter
  • Attack/release envelope
  • Sample & hold
  • Manual Gate button
  • CV/Gate input
  • Audio Output
  • 12 CV/Gate inputs

Step sequencer

  • 7 patterns & 5 songs storable
  • Slide and Accent programmable
  • 1-16 steps sequence length
  • Ratcheting
  • Live transposition
  • Keyboard mode
  • CV, Gate & Accent outputs
  • Clock inputs
  • XP inputs/outputs for coupling two or more Mini Sequencers

This is what the desktop version of the Mini Synthesizer sounds like

Instant techno!

The Mini Sequesizer from Division 6 combines an 8-bit synthvoice with 303-style sequencer along with numerous control voltage inputs in one module for instant techno! The tunable oscillator has four waveforms (pulse, square, triangle and sawtooth) and can be bent in pitch with Glide. The tone generator feeds into a resonance-less lowpass filter. The attack/release envelope, the sample & hold function and the two LFOs, which each have five waveforms, bring the sound to life. LFO 1 or 2 can be set to the targets VCO and VCA, resulting in interesting Tremolo -, Vibrato - and even FM sounds. Thanks to the total of twelve CV/Gate inputs , almost every parameter of the Synthvoice can be modulated. The sequencer has a non-volatile memory with seven patterns and five songs, besides CV and variable gate length, Accent, and Ratcheting are programmable. The sequence length is selectable between 1 and 16 steps per pattern. The module is designed for fast live editing; so it is also possible to animate the sequencer with control voltages of other Module, transpose in realtime and even a keyboard mode is available to play notes by hand.

Dual Mini Sequencer v2 Quick Demo

Division 6 Dual mini sequencer


  • Производитель: Division 6
  • TE / HP: 18
  • Глубина (мм): 21
Division 6 Mini Sequesizer Изображение товараDivision 6 Mini Sequesizer
125,20 €
158,00 €
134,50 €
74,80 €

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Синтезаторы: видео

Пианино: видео

Клавишные: видео