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Erica Synths Bassline DB-01

Товар: SYN0007326-000
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Monophonic analog synthesizer with TB sequencer and Polivoks filter  Вся информация о товаре

457,10 € прибл. 53.572,58 руб.
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В наличии на складе и готов к отправке
Стандартная доставка  (прибл. 10-22 рабочих дней )

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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте Erica Synths Bassline DB-01

Desktop synthesizer with sequencer

The Erica Synths Bassline DB-01:

  • Desktop Synthesizer
  • Analog
  • Oscillator with sawtooth, triangle, rectangle
  • Suboscillator
  • Noise Generator
  • BBD VCO tuning
  • Acidbox/Polivoks-Filter
  • Two decay envelopes
  • LFO
  • Sequencer
  • 64 Patterns
  • Accent
  • Slide
  • Shuffle
  • Arpeggiator
  • Random

The 303 from the future I Bassline DB-01 from Erica Synths

Erica Synths' Bassline DB-01 is an analog monophonic desktop synthesizer with sequencer and a very charismatic sound. The completely analog sound gets its foundation from an oscillator with three waveforms (sawtooth, triangle, square), a noise generator and a transistor-based suboscillator. Two additional BBD lines (bucket brigade circuits) in the oscillator section enrich the basic sound with emulated VCO tuning and sounds that you rather expect from a polysynth. To process the spectrum, a distortion and a lowpass/bandpass switchable filter is provided, which is sound-wise oriented to Polivoks and is included in Erica Synths' Acidbox. The Erica Synths' Bassline DB-01 synthesizer is rounded out by two decay envelopes for VCF and VCA, an LFO with multiple waveforms and a CV input with attenuator further increase the modulation fun.

The TB-sequencer

The clearly arranged sequencer with Accent and Slide, among other things, provides an authentic TB-303 feeling. A total of 128 patterns with a length of up to 64 steps can be programmed. Extra functions such as shuffle, arpeggio and random add an unbelievable amount of value to working with sequences and ensure that you never get bored.

Well connected

On the connection side, the Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 is fully equipped with inputs and outputs for MIDI, clock and CV/Gate. Extra CV inputs for cutoff and FM enhance the modulation possibilities.

Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 Intro

Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 sound demo


  • Производитель: Erica Synths
  • Конструкция/количество клавиш: Рабочий стол без клавиатуры
  • чувствительный к скорости: Да
  • Генерация звука: Аналоговый
  • Полифония: 1
  • Арпеджиатор: Да
  • Количество регуляторов: 14
  • Количество клавиш: 24
  • Дисплей: Да
  • Варианты крепления: MIDI-шаговый секвенсор
  • MIDI интерфейс: Да
  • Линейный выход: Да
  • Адаптер питания: Адаптер, внешний
  • Адаптер питания в комплекте: Да
  • Ширина (см): 23
  • Высота (см): 6,5
  • Глубина (см): 14
  • Вес (кг): 0,8
Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 Изображение товараErica Synths Bassline DB-01
457,10 €
671,40 €
419,30 €
545,40 €
503,40 €
242,90 €

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Синтезаторы: видео

Пианино: видео

Клавишные: видео