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Gibson Peter Frampton "Phenix" 1954 Les Paul Custom Ebony Aged and Signed #23

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Gibson Peter Frampton "Phenix" 1954 Les Paul Custom Ebony Aged and Signed #23 Изображение товара
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Phoenix from the ashes With the Phenix, he Gibson Custom Shop presents an authentic replica of the legendary 1954 Les Paul ...  Вся информация о товаре

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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
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Aged by Tom Murphy and signed by Peter Frampton, #23 of 35

GIBSON Peter Frampton
GIBSON Peter Frampton GIBSON Peter Frampton

Phoenix from the ashes

With the Phenix, he Gibson Custom Shop presents an authentic replica of the legendary 1954 Les Paul Custom , which Peter Frampton accompanied for many years and was considered lost for 30 years after a plane crash over Venezuela.

Originally Peter Frampton received the Humbucker from 1954, modified Les Paul Custom with three Humbuckers, as a present from a fan during the Humble Pie USA tour in 1970. Until then Frampton played mainly Hollow Body instruments, which tended to give strong feedback especially with solos. During a performance at the legendary Club Fillmore West Mark Mariana left him the Les Paul Custom one that was insensitive to feedback due to its construction. Peter Frampton immediately fell in love with this Instrument and its unique sound. In the following ten years, the 1954 Les Paul Custom became his trademark and became the Cover best-selling live album of all time, "Frampton Comes Alive!", an absolute icon of rock history.

GIBSON Peter Frampton
The headstock of the Peter Frampton "Phenix" is marked by the traces of the Odyssey.

In November 1980, the paths of Peter Frampton and his 1954 Les Paul Custom brother separated tragically: The cargo plane, which was supposed to Panama bring its equipment from Venezuela to South America for the tour, crashed shortly after take-off and was completely destroyed. The guitar had been lost ever since. Until she appeared surprisingly at the end of 2011.

After the crash, the guitar, which had survived the accident in a relatively undamaged condition, was salvaged from the wreck by unknowns and found its way via detours into the hands of a guitarist from Curacao. He used it Les Paul Custom as his main instrument and had it repaired in 2010 by a customs officer and amateur guitarist, who, as an enthusiastic Frampton Fan , recognised what a treasure lay on his workbench and first contacted other experts to unambiguously identify the guitar.

After it became clear that they were indeed Frampton's legendary 1954 Les Paul Custom , which had risen from the ashes like a phoenix, two years of tough negotiations followed, at the end of which Frampton was reunited with his guitar.

Together with him, Frampton Gibson Custom Shop decided to put the guitar back into a playing condition, but to preserve its appearance with burn marks, scratches, and sometimes chipped bindings that should remind us of its history forever.

GIBSON Peter Frampton
Each "Phenix" bears authentically reproduced traces of play and was signed by Peter Frampton on the back of the headstock.
GIBSON Peter Frampton
Peter Frampton personally selected the "Phenix" wound Humbucker by Tom Holmes.

At the same time it was decided to make this unique guitar available to all guitarists in the form of a special edition limited to 35 copies, signed by Peter Frampton and artificially aged by Tom Murphy. So the replica bears all the traces that it collected Original during its 30-year odyssey, including the burned paint on the headstock.

In order to capture the sound of the legend as authentically as possible, three Tom Holmes Humbucker personally selected by Peter Frampton are used on each Phenix to sing every lick with their transparent PAF sound.

Functional Hardware in the form of the classic Tune -O-Matic/Stop Bar combination, indestructible Grover Rotomatics and Schaller Security Locks makes the Gibson Peter Frampton "Phenix" 1954 Les Paul Custom a true Player's Guitar that doesn't shy away from use on stage.


  • Nashville Custom Shop
  • authentic reproduction of Peter Framptons 1954 Les Paul Custom
  • Limited to 35 pieces
  • Serial number: 23
  • Body shape: Les Paul
  • Body: one-piece mahogany, with vaulted ceiling
  • neck: one-piece mahogany, glued
  • Neck profile: '50s Les Paul
  • Neck thickness: 1st collar 0.85" (21.6 mm), 12th collar 0.96" (24.4 mm)
  • Fingerboard: Ebony
  • Fingerboard inlays: Pearl Block
  • Fingerboard radius: 12" (305 mm)
  • Frets: 22
  • Saddle: Nylon
  • Saddle width: 1.687" (42,8 mm)
  • Scale: 24.75" (628 mm)
  • Neck pickup: Tom Holmes Rhythm Humbucker
  • Midrange pickup: Tom Holmes Middle Humbucker
  • Bridge pickup: Tom Holmes Lead Humbucker
  • Switch: 3-way toggle
  • Controller: 2x Volume, 2x Tone
  • Bridge: Gibson ABR with knurled screws
  • Tailpiece: Aluminium Stopbar
  • Mechanics: Grover Kidney
  • Hardware : VOS Gold
  • Finish: Ebony , aged by Tom Murphy, signed by Peter Frampton
  • including Gibson case with protective cover, certificate, cover sheet and signed photo
GIBSON Peter Frampton


  • Производитель: Gibson
  • Серия: Limited Edition
  • Дизайн: Les Paul
  • Корпус: Красное дерево
  • Топ: Красное дерево
  • Окантовка: 7-х слойный W/B/W/B/W/B/W
  • Гриф: Красное дерево
  • Конструкция грифа: Set-in
  • Профиль грифа: 1954 Les Paul Custom
  • Толщина у 1го лада: 21,59
  • Толщина у 12го лада: 24,4
  • Накладка грифа: Черное дерево
  • Мензура в мм: 628
  • Радиус накладки грифа в дюймах: 12
  • Количество ладов: 22
  • Инкрустация накладки грифа: Block
  • Тип верхнего порожка: Нейлон
  • Ширина верхнего порожка в мм: 42,8
  • Ширина у последнего лада: 56,89
  • Звукосниматель: HHH
  • Производитель звукоснимателей: Gibson
  • Звукосниматель в позиции возле грифа: '57 Classic Humbucker
  • Звукосниматель в средней позиции: '57 Classic Plus Humbucker
  • Звукосниматель в позиции возле бриджа: 500T Humbucker
  • Пьезо-электрический звукосниматель: Нет
  • Активные звукосниматели: Нет
  • разделение катушек: Нет
  • Переключатель: 3-х позиционный
  • Регулятор: 2x Vol, 2x Tone
  • Бридж: Tune-o-Matic
  • Крепление струн: Stopbar
  • Колки: Grover
  • Пуговица для ремня: Стандартный
  • Фурнитура: Золото
  • Вес (кг): 4,07
  • Калибр струн: .010 - .046
  • Заводская настройка: Standard E
  • Страна-производитель: США
  • Покрытие: Состаренный
  • Цвет: Ebony
  • Количество струн: 6
  • Кейс в комплекте: Да
  • Чехол в комплекте: Нет
  • Сертификат: Да
Gibson Peter Frampton "Phenix" 1954 Les Paul Custom Ebony Aged and Signed #23 Изображение товараGibson Peter Frampton "Phenix" 1954 Les Paul Custom Ebony Aged and Signed #23

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