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Helbling Verlag Uku & Lele

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Playing ukulele simply by colour - the concept based on Boomwhacker colours teaches children from 6 years of age the basics ...  Вся информация о товаре
Helbling Verlag

29,80 € прибл. 3.492,59 руб.
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В наличии на складе и готов к отправке
Стандартная доставка  (прибл. 10-22 рабочих дней )

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  • 3 ГОДА
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Информация о продукте Helbling Publishing House Uku & Lele

Playing ukulele simply by colour - the concept based on Boomwhacker colours teaches children from 6 years of age the basics of song accompaniment and melody playing. Clearly arranged and colored chord symbols and tablatures support a direct implementation on the instrument. This guarantees quick success even without prior knowledge of sheet music.

course contents

The lovingly illustrated mascots Uku & Lele accompany the children together with their"animal" friends through the book and draw attention to the essential learning content: Chords, beat patterns, instructions for melody playing, basics of music and rhythm theory. In supplementary exercises and play sets, what has been learned is immediately put into practice in a playful manner and consolidated.

online videos

In addition to the book, additional online videos facilitate the development of the step-by-step content in the book, so that parents without previous musical knowledge can also support their children in learning the instrument.


  • 88 colourful, fully illustrated pages
  • Colored fingering and chord symbols
  • Over 25 songs suitable for children to accompany
  • Light two-part sets for all songs to play together
  • Complementary tasks with interdisciplinary impulses for painting, handicrafts etc.
  • Exercises to consolidate what you have learned
  • Numerous descriptive video tutorials


  • Производитель: Helbling Verlag
  • Инструмент: Гавайская гитара
  • Средний: Текстовая книга
  • Вокальный/Речевой: Немецкий
  • Сложность: Начинающий (1)
  • Аранжировка: Гавайская гитара
  • С нотами: Да
  • С табулатурами: Нет
  • CD: Нет
  • DVD: Нет
  • Загрузка: Нет
  • Количесвто страниц: 88
  • Автор: Michael Fromm
  • Publishing Number: S7681
  • ISBN: 9783990353431
Helbling Verlag Uku & Lele Изображение товараHelbling Verlag Uku & Lele
29,80 €
34,10 €
29,80 €
29,00 €
29,40 €

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