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Jomox Mod FM D

Товар: SYN0009095-000
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FM-синтезатор, гибридный синтез, 8 голосов, 4 оператора, матричный FM, 26 алгоритмов, 2 аналоговых фильтра, эффекты задержки и ...  Вся информация о товаре

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Jomox Mod FM

Jomox Mod FM Изображение товара
  • Производитель: Jomox
  • TE / HP: 56,0
  • Глубина (мм): 40,0
  • + 12 V (mA): 370,0
  • - 12 V (mA): 170,0
881,50 €
прибл. 103.312,68 руб.
1.007,60 € прибл. 118.091,73 руб.
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  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте Jomox Mod FM D

Hybrid FM Synthesizer

  • FM synthesizer with hybrid signal path
  • 8 voices
  • multi-timbral / multi mode / multi Set / 8x mono
  • completely controllable via MIDI
  • 4 operators / matrix FM
  • 26 algorithms, based on the DX-9 with its 4 OPs
  • 2 LFOs/VCOs per voice (FM & AM) 64 waveforms
  • LFO to VCO switchable and can be integrated into the audio path, so classic basses, strings etc. are also possible.
  • 2 analog filters (24dB SSI2140 Lowpass & State Variable Multimode) & VCA
  • Delay & Reverb effects
  • 128 presets
  • 118 multi-sets
  • 4x CV in EV/OP 1-4
  • 4x CV in Amount 1-4
  • 4x CV in FM 1-4
  • 8x CV/Gate In
  • 8 individual outputs
  • Mix outputs for odd and even
  • CV-In for Amount 1-4, FM 1-4, or 1-4
  • Side chain stereo input
  • Balanced stereo output
  • MIDI In & Out + USB-C
  • 2 displays
The Jomox Mod FM D in side profile

Jomox Mod FM D with 8-voice FM synth and analog filters

With the Mod FM D, Jomox presents a hybrid, 8-voice FM synthesizer in desktop format that is capable of producing the craziest sounds. In addition to the complex 4-operator FM synthesis with 26 algorithms, the Mod FM D is equipped with two analog filters, envelopes and LFOs per voice, as well as very good sounding delay and Reverb effects, preset memory and extensive voice management. In single mode, the Mod FM D can be played with eight polyphonic voices, which should suit anyone who wants to play epic 80s hooklines ;) Multi mode, on the other hand, allows you to select a separate preset for each voice, meaning you can create a new sound on the fly. The tracks can then "only" be played monophonically, but in a techno context, the compromise of "more tracks, fewer voices" is certainly fine.

Jomox Mod FM D Hybrid FM Synthesizer

D for Desktop

It is a logical step to also offer the Mod FM as a stand-alone desktop device. In the D version, the synthesizer is housed in a case that is larger than the front panel of the module. It has its own power supply, MIDI inputs and outputs with DIN sockets, a balanced stereo output and an audio input. The latter turns out to be an analog side chain stereo input, via which external signals can be fed into the effects of the Mod FM D and mixed with the synth. The mixing ratio can be adjusted with an additional control.

Matrix FM

The four operators (sine oscillators) are arranged in a matrix in which each operator (sine oscillator) can be frequency-modulated by the other three. Modulation values and fundamental frequencies are set using the 16 endless controls of the matrix. Various overtone modes in combination with the 26 algorithms, which are based on the Yamaha DX-9, make it possible to create musical sounds. Of course, this can also be largely ignored to create chaotic, inharmonic FM sounds.

Complexity right into the audio range

The two LFOs modulate the frequency and amplitude of each voice and offer an impressive selection of 64 waveforms each. Optionally, the LFOs can be switched to the VCO and can even be integrated into the audio path. The Mod FM D is therefore also capable of generating classic synth sounds with square and sawtooth waveforms. Post-processing by filter and VCA is retained.

Analog magic

The analogue filter is realized per voice with an SSI2140 chip, which is based on the original SSM2040, whose sound and behaviour is known from various Oberheim Polys and the SCI Prophet-5, among others. In parallel, the chip generates a rich-sounding 24dB Lowpass filter and a 12dB Multimode filter whose characteristics can be faded from Lowpass via Bandpass to Highpass. Both filter types can be mixed independently of each other. To modulate the filter, there is a crisp ADSR envelope and a separate LFO, which also accesses 64 waveforms. Metal noise can be mixed into the filter in addition to the FM synth and the two LFOs/VCOs. The analog filters and the downstream transistor VCA for each voice result in a hybrid signal path that gives the digitally generated sound analog warmth and the necessary bite.


The desktop version has CV and Gate inputs for each of the eight voices, as well as eight individual audio outputs. The Odd and Even mix outputs output the even and odd voices in groups of four. All eight voices are available on the balanced stereo output on the rear panel. The analog side chain stereo input allows you to feed in an external audio signal and process it with the effects. Of course, the modulation inputs are not neglected in this synthesizer. Envelope/Operator share four CV inputs, further CV inputs are available for Amount 1-4 and FM 1-4. Whether you modulate one or all voices with the corresponding CV input depends primarily on whether the module is in single or Multimode mode. Jomox has not neglected to integrate a complete MIDI implementation into the Mod FM D either. All parameters can be controlled either via MIDI using a TRS-A adapter or USB-C.


  • Производитель: Jomox
  • Конструкция/количество клавиш: Рабочий стол без клавиатуры
  • чувствительный к скорости: Да
  • Генерация звука: Гибрид аналого/цифровой
  • Полифония: 8
  • Количество звуков: 128
  • Процессор встроенных эффектов: Да
  • Количество регуляторов: 23
  • Количество клавиш: 16
  • Дисплей: Да
  • Хранилище медиа-файлов: Internal Flash Drive
  • MIDI интерфейс: Да
  • USB MIDI интерфейс: Да
  • Линейный вход: Да
  • Линейный выход: Да
  • Sym. Connections: Да
  • Адаптер питания: Адаптер, внешний
  • Адаптер питания в комплекте: Да
  • Ширина (см): 31,8
  • Высота (см): 7,2
  • Глубина (см): 18
  • Вес (кг): 1,9
Jomox Mod FM D Изображение товараJomox Mod FM D
1.007,60 €
1.343,70 €
1.007,60 €
1.007,60 €
1.091,60 €
671,40 €

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