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PRS Archon 50 Head

Товар: GIT0056681-000
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Electric guitar amp, all-tube, 50 watts, 6CA7 power tubes, clean and lead channel, 3-band EQs, FX loop  Вся информация о товаре

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PRS Archon 50 Combo

PRS Archon 50 Combo Изображение товара
  • Производитель: PRS
  • Серия: Archon
  • Выходная мощность (Ватт): 50,0
  • Стерео: Нет
  • Лампы оконечного усилителя: 2x 6CA7
  • ...
1.150,40 €
прибл. 134.828,03 руб.
915,10 € прибл. 107.250,64 руб.
без НДС, плюс Стоимость доставки
Товар скоро будет доступен.Предполагаемая дата поставки на склад: 30.04.2025

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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте PRS Archon 50 Head

The PRS Archon 50 Head at a glance:

  • Two-channel all valve amp for electric guitar
  • Analog circuit
  • 50 watts of power amp output
  • Power amp with two JJ 6CA7 tubes
  • Preamp with six JJ ECC83S tubes
  • Clean and lead channel
  • Each channel with gain and master controls, 3-band EQ and bright switch
  • Presence and Depth controls to adjust the output of the power amp
  • Serial effects loop
  • Speaker connections for guitar cabinets with 4 Ohm, 8 Ohm or 16 Ohm impedance
  • Foot switch included

Two-channel high-gain all valve amp with 50 watts

With the PRS Archon 50 Head Paul Reed Smith presents a 50 watt all-tube amp for electric guitar, with a flexible sound that is best suited for classic and modern styles. Two channels with up to five gain stages before the volume control deliver juicy clean and distortion sounds, while an effects loop completes the amp's features.

Clean and Lead channel for versatile sounds

The Archon 50's Clean channel delivers a particularly rich and warm sound with enormous transparency. Thanks to the unmatched headroom, the Clean channel also profiles as the perfect base for effects pedals of all kinds. In the Lead channel, on the other hand, the Archon by PRS delivers juicy distortion with a modern, very tight voicing. Accordingly, first-class rock and metal sounds are available, which do not go to the knees even with deep tunings and extended range guitars.

Precise ways to customize the sound

In addition to the Gain and Master controls, each channel of the PRS Archon 50 comes with its own 3-band tone control to precisely adjust the sound. In addition, Presence and Depth controls are available in the output stage to influence the playback behavior of the highs and lows.

6CA7 power amp with 50 watts

The power amplifier of the PRS Archon is based on two 6CA7 tubes, which lie between the popular EL34 and 6L6 and thus promise a particularly present and balanced sound. With 50 watts, the head delivers sufficient volume for band practice or gigs.


  • Производитель: PRS
  • Серия: Archon
  • Выходная мощность (Ватт): 50
  • Стерео: Нет
  • Лампы оконечного усилителя: 2x 6CA7
  • Количество каналов: 2
  • моделирование усилителей: Нет
  • Ревербератор: Нет
  • Внутренние эффекты: Нет
  • Петля эффектов: Да
  • Выход для записи: Нет
  • Подключение наушников: Нет
  • Вход AUX: Нет
  • Подключение по USB: Нет
  • MIDI интерфейс: Нет
  • Подключение ножного переключателя: Да
  • Ножной переключатель в комплекте: Да
  • Подключение громкоговорителя: 4, 8, 16 Ом
  • Ширина (мм): 547
  • Высота (мм): 254
  • Длина (мм): 254
  • Вес (кг): 14,7
PRS Archon 50 Head Изображение товараPRS Archon 50 Head
915,10 €
1.493,30 €
999,20 €
870,60 €
1.074,80 €
696,60 €

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