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Schott Music Beginning Jazz Piano 1

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Learn jazz piano for beginners, easy to intermediate piano sheet music, textbook, with download, ISBN: 9783795722821.  Вся информация о товаре

22,40 € прибл. 2.625,30 руб.
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Информация о продукте Schott Music Beginning Jazz Piano 1

An introduction to swing, blues, latin and funk Part 1: Chords and Improvisation

Beginners who would like to immerse themselves in the world of jazz music and related musical genres are well advised with Schott Music Beginning Jazz Piano 1. Tim Richards, jazz pianist with extensive experience and teacher of jazz piano, introduces blues, funk and Latin music to players with a slight background in this edition. As an experienced educator, he knows how to teach the techniques didactically and skillfully. Volume 1 deals with

  • playing spontaneously and freely over harmonies
  • triads in the left hand
  • Five-note scales
  • Arpeggios
  • blues scales

In addition, the method contains suitable pieces that practically consolidate the contents.

The audio files available for download include full versions and playalongs with bass line and drums. So you can first listen to the complete pieces for orientation, and then play along with the full instrumentation.

With the interactive feature "Replay".


  • Производитель: Schott Music
  • Инструмент: Фортепиано
  • Средний: Текстовая книга
  • Вокальный/Речевой: Английский
  • Сложность: 2-3
  • Аранжировка: Пианино
  • CD: Нет
  • DVD: Нет
  • CD-ROM: Нет
  • Загрузка: Да
  • Серия: Schott Pop-Styles
  • Автор: Tim Richards
  • Качества 1: Paperback
  • Publishing Number: ED 23374
  • ISBN: 978-3-7957-2282-1
  • ISMN: 979-0-001-21216-8
Schott Music Beginning Jazz Piano 1 Изображение товараSchott Music Beginning Jazz Piano 1
22,40 €
24,80 €
22,40 €
26,20 €
25,20 €
21,50 €

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