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Tiptop Audio Model 281t Quad Function Generator

Товар: SYN0008148-000
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Four identical function generators provide optional envelope or LFO variants and are output in pairs as quadrature  Вся информация о товаре

189,10 € прибл. 22.162,71 руб.
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  • БОЛЕЕ 3000 ВИДЕО
  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте TipTop Audio Quad Function Generator 281t

Eurorack clone of the famous Buchla function generator

  • 4 function generators in one module
  • Eurorack clone based on Buchla model
  • Quadrature outputs for paired operation
  • Cycle, Transient or Sustained mode
  • 4x trigger buttons
  • 4x knobs for Attack (0.001ms-10 sec)
  • 4x knobs for Decay (0.001ms-10 sec)
  • 4x CV in for Attack
  • 4x CV in for Decay
  • 4x end-of-phase output
  • 4x CV output

Buchla & Tiptop Audio - Series 200

Eurorack compatible version

TipTop Audio has realized in cooperation with Buchla a completely Eurorack compatible version of the fourfold function generator. Each of the four identical units has a mode switch that selects between Sustained (envelope, long gate), Transient (envelope, short gate) and Cycle (LFO). The two parameters Attack and Decay have a setting range of 0.001ms to 10 sec, which is very suitable especially for percussive sounds. In addition, the two controls adjust the frequency and waveform in LFO mode. Control voltage inputs for the two phases as well as gate inputs for triggering the envelope and activating the cycle mode allow lively and complex modulations. At the outputs you find the CV output and "End-of-Phase", the latter is a trigger signal that is released when a modulation cycle expires. With thoughtful patching within the module, complex, self-generating modulations that even extend into the audio range can be created. The quadrature outputs are a special feature, they combine the channels A&B as well as C&D in pairs and shift B and D and up to 90° degrees to A and C, which again increases the complexity of the possible modulations.


  • Производитель: TipTop Audio
  • TE / HP: 28
  • Глубина (мм): 32
  • + 12 V (mA): 160
  • - 12 V (mA): 55
Tiptop Audio Model 281t Quad Function Generator Изображение товараTiptop Audio Model 281t Quad Function Generator
189,10 €
275,60 €
184,00 €
233,60 €
233,60 €
121,80 €

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Синтезаторы: видео

Пианино: видео

Клавишные: видео