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Vic-Firth Signature Series Chris Coleman SCOL

Товар: DRU0033737-000
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" VF! That guy was/STILL is amazing. Gonna miss him. He was detailed & accurate. He gave a damn. It shows in his products....  Вся информация о товаре

13,40 € прибл. 1.570,49 руб.
без НДС, плюс Стоимость доставки
В наличии на складе и готов к отправке
Стандартная доставка  (прибл. 10-22 рабочих дней )

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  • 3 ГОДА
  • 55.000 ТОВАРОВ

Информация о продукте Vic Firth Chris Coleman Sticks SCOL, Signature Series

" VF! That guy was/STILL is amazing. Gonna miss him. He was detailed & accurate. He gave a damn. It shows in his products. That's probably one of the main reasons I've been playing VF since 7th grade! I think I get it now... that's why they're the Perfect Pair :-) "

~ Chris Coleman

DRU0033737-000 Full

The perfect pair

The consistent high quality of the material and workmanship has made Vic Firth the leading stick manufacturer. Every pair is carefully matched in terms of weight and pitch to provide the drummer with the perfect pair. Furthermore the company from Boston/USA is really dedicated to environmental protection. All materials for sticks, mallets and beaters come from ecological responsible manufacturers.

With the SCOL sticks, Vic Firth welcomes Chris Coleman to the select few drummers who have their own signature model. With credits like Stevie Wonder, Chaka Kahn and Prince, he surely deserves the honor. The SCOL stick comes with an oval tip and is relatively thick with a very short taper. A powerful and solid sound on drums and cymbals.

DRU0033737-000 Details

Manufactured by:

  • Avedis Zildjian Company
  • Vic Firth
  • 22 Longwater Drive, 02061 Norwell, MA
  • USA
  • info@zildjian.com

Authorized Representative in Europe:

  • Industriestraße 20, 35041 Marburg
  • Deutschland
  • info@musik-meyer.de


  • Производитель: Vic-Firth
  • Материал: Hickory
  • Длина (мм): 415,9
  • Диаметр (мм): 15,6
  • Материал головки маллетов: Дерево
  • Материал рукоятки маллетов: Дерево
Vic-Firth Signature Series Chris Coleman SCOL Изображение товараVic-Firth Signature Series Chris Coleman SCOL
13,40 €
16,70 €
12,50 €
12,50 €
12,50 €
10,80 €

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